The spring issue will be released March 1, 2010.
So many times I have written about the community support that we have received and I continue to be surprised at the number of dedicated readers that follow Community Seeds Eco Magazine (AKA CS Eco Magazine). As we have grown and developed, we have maintained our commitment to sustainability and to the community. These commitments have taken us down a path of assessment and speculation about the current status and future of the magazine. We want to continue to offer the magazine as a free resource, educational publication, and forum for sustainability articles. However, with our donations of 25% to non-profit organizations, the free help that we offer sustainability and community groups with fundraising, the overhead of running a business, and the costs of independent contractors, we are not able to continue the magazine as it stands.
I have proudly dedicated two years to this cause and this publication with no salary or any money from proceeds, ever. In fact, my family has continued to donate funds to keep the magazine going. In addition, we have been able to get a few, wonderful sponsors. Most people do not realize how much money it takes to run a business and have a publication (even on-line). We would like to continue to publish Community Seeds Eco Magazine and give to the community, so we have come to the conclusion that we need to go non-profit. In fact, have already started the process!
We hope that by going non-profit, we can get more financial support and continue our dedication to the environment, the community and to this publication. We encourage readers to become a part of this process by continuing to send in articles, purchase advertising, becoming sponsors. Now, you can also help by making donations. You may also donate service or eco friendly prize items for our raffles. All donations will be tax deductable and at least 25% will be given back to the community. We have a tax ID number and we have been accredited by the Better Business Bureau. We have a few loose ends to tie up and we should have the 501(3) process completed soon.
Once again, we thank our readers, writers, advertisers and sponsors for helping us continue on our mission: to help make us be a little more socially, environmentally, and community aware. I am very excited to head up this new non profit venture and continue to be proud of the work we do.
Have a happy, healthy, green spring!
DeAnna Holman