Sunday, October 11, 2009

Winter Issue preparations..

Hello everyone,

Community Seeds Eco Magazine is planning for the winter 2009-2010 issue. We have brainstormed a bit and have come up with a tentative themes for the winter issue: social responsibility.

We would love to know what you are doing to be more green and tips you can give others in our community.

As you might know, our magazine is a forum for the public to come together for a common cause. We would like to encourage our readers to send in an article that would be informative to other readers.

We would also like to encourage local businesses, as well as non-local businesses, with websites to place an ad with us. Our magazine is quarterly, so your ad would run for 3 months. We are one of the cheapest ways to advertise that you will find, and we are targeting a different market: internet users. In the event that you don’t need the advertising, you could also become a sponsor! Being a sponsor is a great way to get involved in a worthwhile cause and as a sponsor you will receive a great deal of exposure.

The deadline to place your ad, become a sponsor, or send in an article is October 25, 2009 so mark your calendars!

For more information, please visit our website at: or send us an email at: .

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope you are having a fabulous day!

-Community Seeds Eco Magazine

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